How To Grow Multiple Twitter Accounts Quickly

How To Grow Multiple Twitter Accounts Quickly

Having multiple Twitter accounts can be beneficial for various reasons. For example, if you’re a business owner, you may want to have one account for your personal branding and another to promote your business. It can also be helpful if you want to separate your personal and professional lives. However, managing and growing multiple accounts can be challenging and time-consuming. You may find yourself feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to start. If you’re looking for a way to create and grow multiple Twitter accounts quickly, continue reading this article.

Why to have multiple accounts

Businesses and brands have Twitter accounts for several reasons. They can use different accounts to promote different kinds of products or services. An account tailored for customer support provides better assistance for sure. They also maintain multiple Twitter accounts to share content to increase brand awareness, and expand their reach to a wider variety of customers. Companies are also using their Twitter accounts to offer customer service in different languages, which makes them more engaged with a global audience.

If you are using Twitter for personal purposes, having multiple accounts is a great way to build your online presence and engage with various communities. If you have various interests or hobbies, having a separate account for each one would be a great way to develop an engaged audience around each interest. This might be a powerful way for networking and creating connections with people who share similar interests. Additionally, creating a niche account for each of your interests helps you customize content to different audiences and grow your presence on Twitter more quickly.

How to manage several accounts

You can add up to 5 accounts to your Twitter profile in one session. If you aim to manage more than 5 accounts you should use a third-party Twitter app.

Soaster, a Twitter management tool can help you organize all your accounts in one place. Here we will reveal how to grow multiple accounts by spending 10 minutes a day using this tool.

Not for one single account. We are talking about at least 10 accounts. Yes, you can easily increase followers on several accounts at once. Sounds weird? Let’s see how you can do it.

Soaster enables you to organize all your Twitter accounts in one simple dashboard.

You can add all of your Twitter accounts.

Target audience

If you’re not already famous nor offering helpful information, others might not be keen to follow your account. You should get in touch with them to make them recognize you. So, to gain Twitter followers, first start following others. But who? Following accounts randomly may not bring good results.

The accounts that are most likely to follow you should be your main focus. People tend to follow those with whom they have common interests. As previously stated, we are discussing the growth of multiple accounts. We advise you to give each one a different niche.

Then, first go to “Settings” on your Soaster account to find the correct audience for each of them. Decide on a topic of interest. Enter keywords to target more precise accounts. For instance, you might want to talk to language learners on one of your accounts. Then, enter search terms like “language,” “language learning,” or hashtags like “#langtwt” etc.

Start engaging with others

After making the necessary adjustments, Soaster will check for relevant accounts and suggest you 20 best-fitting ones on a daily basis. You can follow all suggested profiles with just one click. This method will save you a great deal of time. And you don’t have to toggle between accounts. From one dashboard, you can make necessary changes for each account.

Some of the accounts you follow will start following you in a few days. But if they don’t, you can always check the accounts that are not following you back. Detect the accounts who don’t follow you back and unfollow them. Don’t follow others excessively because as time passes it will be more difficult to refresh your following list. The best way is this

  • follow people
  • engage with them
  • wait ten to fifteen days
  • if they don’t follow back, unfollow them

Spend 10 minutes a day

Giving 10 minutes of your time after your daily routine with your personal Twitter account will be enough to follow the above-mentioned process. 

Having multiple Twitter accounts is a great way to maximize your online presence and take advantage of the various features that the platform has to offer. It can be used to create a separate account for each area of your life, allowing you to post different content to different audiences. Do not underestimate this opportunity and do not miss what Twitter’s platform offers.